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    November 7, 2015



Kit + Devon


Kit and Devon both started in the International Baccalaureate program at Saint Petersburg High School in 2006. They met in the ninth grade in biology class and became friends running track that same year.

Becoming better friends and learning more about their shared interests in math, physics, and a lot of other nerdy things made them realize what a great match they were. The rest is history!

"I have found the one whom my soul loves"

Song of Solomon 3:4



Over a month before Kit’s 23rd birthday, Devon requested to let him take her to dinner for her birthday. Around the same time, Kit’s mom made sure that Kit would be taking the day off of work so she could enjoy her birthday and go out to lunch or shop. Kit thought this was pretty strange to be planning so far ahead for her birthday, but was luckily still completely oblivious. Little did she know, Devon had already been planning for over a month since asking Kit's parents for permission.

Fast forward to December 3, and Kit had taken the day off to spend with her parents. Devon had not told her any details about dinner except to dress up. At 4:30, Devon picked Kit up with roses and they drove to the mystery dinner. They arrived at the Vinoy hotel in downtown Saint Petersburg, a very special place to Kit from growing up. Kit pointed out that Devon was (quickly) leading them in the opposite direction of the restaurant to which Devon nervously responded, “Just hang on a second.” This was her first clue that something was strange. They entered the tea garden and the next thing Kit knew, Devon was down on one knee. It was the sweetest surprise.

The best part of it all was spending the evening together with their families and friends celebrating at the Vinoy!


Lexie Jesaitis

Maid of Honor

Lexie is Kit’s younger sister. She has been Kit’s partner in crime, travel buddy, and personal comedian for the past 21 years. She is a senior at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Cook more, eat out less. Enjoy the alone time you have with each other; spend less money on frivolous things and instead, spend it on vacations, a payment on a house, or future investments you can appreciate together.

Andrea Papandrew

Andrea is Devon’s younger sister. She and Devon have always been best friends and always knows how to get Devon to have a laugh and have a good time. For Kit, she is a great friend and will be an even better sister. She is a senior at the University of Tampa

Advice to the bride and groom?

Try to do something nice for each other regularly. It's the little things that make a difference in a marriage. My grandparents did that and they lasted 51 years.

Kit: don't let Devon drive on road trips. You and your children will never be allowed to use the restroom. Also make sure when he does the laundry that he doesn't dump an entire bottle of detergent into the machine. That is not fun to clean up.

Devon: Happy wife = happy life

Allison McKenzie

Allison met Kit in college while pledging ZTA and is a fellow bride-to-be! They lived in-house together and experienced ZTA Executive Council together (memories…) She lives in Atlanta, GA (soon to be) with her new husband, Patrick.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Having (yet) to be a wife or bride, I hesitate to give my own advice so I defer to the creator of marriage and all-knowing author of life's best advice book.

To the Groom: Ephesians 5:25-29
To the Bride: Proverbs 31
To the Couple: Philippians 2:1-11

Christine Carvin

Christine met Kit in 2007 at St. Pete High and were sorority sisters (and Kit’s big sister!). They had so much fun as roommates for two years and going as each other’s dates for date functions. She is a labor and delivery nurse and lives with her husband, Dan, in Seminole, FL.

Advice to the bride and groom?

My advice for the happy couple simply is to establish laundry rules before any clothes are ruined! I've had too many dirty husband socks filled with dirt, and, in his sweet attempts at trying to surprise me with clean clothes, have had too many sweaters shrunk on high heat and dry-clean only pieces destroyed on regular cycle. Actually, knowing Kit's history of laundry (washing AND drying, aka baking, a tube of lipstick onto an entire load of clothing), I change my advice. You two need to hire laundry professionals. You'll have a blissful first year of marriage and a beautiful wardrobe to show for it. On a more serious note, make a conscious effort to put God first and each other second. Work can be busy, and life can be stressful (especially in your first year of marriage!), but a relationship with the good Lord and a supportive spouse make all the difference in the world!

Courtney Van Gemert

Courtney met Kit in college through their sorority and their work at the University of Florida Athletic Association. They have shared great travel experiences and hilarious roommate experiences. She is graduating from the University of Florida and going to dental school.

Advice to the bride and groom?


I believe in order to continue to see that smile I think random acts of kindness to let each other know how much you're thinking of them keeps your relationship rejuvenated. Although the happiness of yourself shouldn't be solely based on your significant other or gifts your receive from them, reassurance can help calm the chaos of schedules and get you to focus on each other. Being a newly wed couple can take some getting used to because it changes from I to we, but I've always been told that two is better than one and you work at it together! I think that together you are united and it's important to know that you both have to capabilities to love one another unconditionally and praise each other with prayer. Love you both so much and I'm so happy I am able to be apart of your everlasting life full of love and happiness!

Francesca Dickhaus

Francesca met Kit in 2006 at St. Pete High. They have gone through so many important experiences together like completing (hugely demanding) their IB and undergraduate degrees and going through Sungoddess. She is completing her MD at the University of Florida College of Medicine.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Continue to be the wonderful, fun couple that I have known since high school!  You two more than anyone else I know can always get me to actually go out and do fun things, even when my serious, med-student-self resists. *shoutout to you, Dev…I still have that video of you telling me I am no fun* Don’t let married life and the real world change any of that, although I don’t think you’ll have any problems…I anticipate “Mr. and Mrs. Papandrew” will probably be even more fun than “Kit and Devon”!

Also Kit…avoid eating any peanut products before kissing your husband *shout- out senior year of high school*

Lesleigh Craddock

Lesleigh met Kit in college during sorority recruitment and became Kit’s little sister in ZTA. They shared so many experiences like their night runs, co-leading the ZTA Bible Study, and ZTA executive council. Lesleigh just graduated from the University of Florida and lives in Boston, MA to pursue her master’s degree in behavioral analysis.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Love each other like Christ loves his church- with a sacrificial, selfless and unending love. He doesn't give up on us when we mess up, just as a married couple should never give up on each other.

Megan Orr

Megan met Kit the first week of pledging in ZTA. They first bonded over both having long-distance boyfriends who were playing sports at Georgetown University. They have since bonded over so many other shared interests, like vegging and eating junk food, and lived under the same roof for two years. She works as a financial analyst in Atlanta, GA.

Advice to the bride and groom?

I’ve known Kit for 5 years now, and have known Devon through Kit for about the same time. Through basically living with her all through college, I’d say I know the two of them pretty well. Here is my tip for the future Mr & Mrs Papandrew: remember that you are both responsible for your own happiness! Although marriage requires sacrifice on each end, don’t stop doing what makes you happy. Keep open communication, patience and respect for one another in times you spend together and times you spend apart (emphasis on the apart because this long distance friendship needs girls trips!)


Charles Dann

Charlie met Devon while playing football at Georgetown and they lived together for three years. Charlie is now wheelin' and dealin' on Wall Street.

Advice to the bride and groom?

I'll come back with real advice lol (although not sure why you're asking me I can't even take care of myself).

Craig Montgomery

Craig was the first person Devon met at Georgetown and they played football together for three years. Craig is currently one of the highest-rated free agent longsnappers and has been invited to tryouts with NFL teams.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Always remember the three D's of marriage, do your share of chores, disagreements mean she's right, and don't ever forget to tell her that you love her and she's beautiful.

Donald Rhodes

Don met Devon while playing football at Georgetown and they lived together for a year. Don is a supply chain analyst in Pittsburgh.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Dev - always remember, there is no right or wrong there is only what kit thinks.

Kit - make sure to keep Dev away from the spam. I don't want Dev to end up as just another statistic

Anthony Caliguire

Fino met Devon while playing football at Georgetown and they lived together for a year. Fino is in law school at Duquesne.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Heath Dickey

Heath met Devon while playing football at Georgetown and they lived together for two years. Heath is working in the Texas Senate.

Advice to the bride and groom?

I am not a smart man, but I know what love is. Love is God. Treat each other the way Christ treats the Church and you'll have the kind of marriage people dream of.

Joseph Stephen

Mac met Devon while playing football at Georgetown and they lived together for a year. Mac is working at Oracle in Boston.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Matthew MacZura

Matt was Devon's closest friend at Georgetown. They met while playing football at and lived together for three years. Matt is working at Oracle in Boston.

Advice to the bride and groom?

Whether it was a parabola or a hyperbola doesn't really matter, most of us wouldn't know the difference anyways. Let the unimportant things go, work together on the important things, and never forget how much you love each other because that's the most important thing of all.


Ritz Carlton

1111 Ritz Carlton Dr
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 309-2000


Hyatt Regency

1000 Blvd of the Arts
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 487-3800


"We love because he first loved us."

1 John 4:18-19



We will spend three days/three nights in the mountains of Saint Lucia, followed by three days/three nights on the beach.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."

Ephesians 4:2


Your presence at our wedding means more to us than any material gift

Should you want to give a gift and need some ideas, please find our registries here:


Kathryn Jesaitis Devon Papandrew


Photography by Jonathan Fanning Studio & Gallery